
Paul G. Pin, M.D.
3600 Gaston Ave.
Barnett Tower, Suite 410
Dallas, Texas 75246

Phone: 214.827.2530



Breast Reconstruction

Case 1 – Breast Reconstruction

This 34-year-old woman was found to have a gene that causes breast cancer (BRCA.) Due to a very high risk of developing breast cancer, she elected to have both breasts removed with simultaneous latissimus flaps and tissue expanders. At a second stage, she had silicone implants placed and had nipple areolar reconstruction.


Case 2 – Breast Reconstruction

This 52-year-old female with right breast cancer had a right mastectomy with simultaneous latissimus flap and tissue expander placement. At a second stage, she had a permanent silicone implant placed on the right, a nipple reconstruction on the right, and a breast augmentation on the left for symmetry.


Case 3 – Breast Reconstruction

This 46-year-old female with left breast cancer underwent a left mastectomy with simultaneous latissimus flap and tissue expander placement. At a second stage, she had a permanent silicone implant placed on the left, and a nipple reconstruction on the left. To achieve symmetry, she also had an augmentation and a breast lift on the right side at the same time.


Case 4 – Breast Reconstruction

This 55-year-old female with right breast cancer who had a right mastectomy with simultaneous latissimus flap and tissue expander placement. At a second stage, she had a permanent silicone implant placed on the right, a nipple reconstruction on the right, and a breast augmentation on the left for symmetry.


Case 5 – Breast Reconstruction

This 21 year old was interested in bilateral mastectomies and reconstruction after she found out she had the BRCA-2 mutation. Both her grandmother and mother had had advanced breast cancer and she wished to prevent its occurrence in her. She was 5’2″ and weighed 145 pounds. She underwent bilateral skin-sparring mastectomies and reconstruction with bilateral latissimus flaps with silicone implants.

Case 6 – Breast Reconstruction

This patient was a 27 year old with the BRCA 1 gene mutation who decided to have bilateral “nipple sparing” mastectomies. She underwent bilateral mastectomies with tissue expander placement. She had permanent silicone implants placed three months later.


Case 7 – Breast Reconstruction

This patient was a 34 year old with the BRCA 2 gene mutation who decided to have have bilateral “nipple sparing” mastectomies. She underwent bilateral mastectomies with tissue expander placement. She had permanent silicone implants placed three months later.


Case 8 – Breast Reconstruction

This 48-year-old woman was 5’5″, 170 pounds,and had a small right breast cancer in the setting of breast hypertrophy. In order to preserve her breasts, treat her cancer and reduce her breast size, she underwent a right partial mastectomy and reconstruction using “oncoplastic” techniques in a breast reduction pattern. Her treatment was completed with radiation therapy to the right breast.


Case 9 – Breast Reconstruction

This 52 year old underwent a mastectomy and a reconstruction with a latissimus flap and a tissue expander on her right side. At a second stage, she had permanents implant placed on both sides for symmetry and a nipple reconstruction.


Case 10 – Breast Reconstruction

This 70-year-old woman was 5’8″, 180 pounds,and had a small left breast cancer in the setting of breast hypertrophy. In order to preserve her breasts, treat her cancer and reduce her breast size, she underwent a left partial mastectomy and reconstruction using “oncoplastic” techniques in a breast reduction pattern. Her treatment was completed with radiation therapy to the left breast.

Case 11 – Breast Reconstruction

This 36-year-old woman was found to have a gene that causes breast cancer (BRCA.) Due to a very high risk of developing breast cancer, she elected to have bilateral skin-sparing mastectomies with simultaneous latissimus flaps and tissue expanders. At a second stage, she had silicone implants placed and had nipple areolar reconstruction.
