Paul G. Pin, M.D.
3600 Gaston Ave.
Barnett Tower, Suite 410
Dallas, Texas 75246

Phone: 214.827.2530

Subcutaneous versus Visceral Fat

One common misconception that Dr. Pin often comes across is that prospective patients who are interested in liposuction are looking for a quick solution to remove excess fat without having to actually change their diet or exercise habits. In fact, quite the opposite is often true. Many of his liposuction patients already follow a balanced, low-fat diet and get 30 minutes of exercise at least five days a week. The reason they are interested in liposuction is to remove stubborn areas of fat that have not properly responded to their wellness routine. In essence, liposuction is the finishing touch they want so they can proudly show off the results of all of their weight loss efforts. Read Full Article…

Best Ways to Reduce Signs of Aging

Despite our best efforts, we cannot hold back the hands of time. One way or another, we are getting older. However, that doesn’t mean that we must accept the effects of aging upon our bodies. Today’s seniors are not only more active physically and mentally, but are finding ways to reduce the signs of aging in their appearance. What are some of their secrets to defying the effects of aging and looking timeless? Read Full Article…

Tip Rhinoplasty

If you look at your reflection in a mirror, you may notice that your nose is the most prominent feature on your face. Numerous studies on facial recognition and aesthetics have shown that if the face is divided into thirds, both horizontally and vertically (similar to a tic-tac-toe game), a perfectly positioned nose should sit right in the center box, both horizontally and vertically. Read Full Article…

Cosmetic Surgery versus Plastic Surgery

Do you think that cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery are the exact same thing? If so, don’t feel badly, because the truth is that most people easily make that mistake. In fact, a 2004 article published in the Archives of Facial and Plastic Surgery (now called JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery) studied the difference in public perception between cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery. The researchers surveyed 216 people in terms of how they viewed this difference in various ways, including permanence, risk, expense, recovery, reversibility, pain, technical difficulty, and surgeon training. Overall, respondents thought that cosmetic surgery was less permanent, risky, painful, and technically difficult, and had a shorter recovery time than did plastic surgery. They also thought that cosmetic surgeons needed significantly less training than did plastic surgeons. Read Full Article…

New Trend toward Smaller Breast Implants

For many years, the trend in breast implants was that bigger was always better. Celebrities such as Pamela Anderson had large, round breasts that were very prominent underneath tight fitting clothing and swimsuits. This led many women to request similar looking implants from Dr. Pin. However, this trend has now shifted toward smaller implants that have a more natural look and feel. In fact, even Pamela Anderson has purportedly changed out her larger breast implants for smaller ones. What are some of the reasons for this trend, and why is it likely to get you better results in the long run? Read Full Article…

New Year’s Resolutions: Put Your Best Face Forward with Cosmetic Surgery

Now that the last champagne bottle for the New Year has been finished off, it’s time to start looking toward your resolutions for this year. Not surprisingly, resolutions having to do with improving appearance are consistently the most popular, ranging from losing weight, to getting into better shape, to eating better. If these are among your goals, you are certainly in good company! Read Full Article…

Taking Time Off from Work after Cosmetic Procedures

So, you’ve finally determined that it is time to undergo a cosmetic procedure. First, congratulations on your decision to give your appearance a fresh start for the New Year. You are probably excited to show off the results of your cosmetic procedure to your family and friends. Of course, Dr. Paul Pin will be there with you to help you get the optimal results from your procedure. Read Full Article…

Six Problems That a Nose Job Can Fix

Nose jobs (or rhinoplasties) have consistently been one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures that patients request. According to the American Academy of Plastic Surgeons (the leading professional organization for plastic surgeons), almost 218,000 rhinoplasty procedures were performed by member surgeons in 2015. This made it the third most popular cosmetic surgical procedure for that year, coming in behind breast augmentation and liposuction. Dr. Paul Pin has seen this same level of popularity for rhinoplasties within his own practice. A number of his patients have been looking to change the size or shape of their nose. Below are six of the more common issues that a rhinoplasty may be able to correct. Read Full Article…

Managing Your Expectations from Cosmetic Surgery

You’ve finally committed to undergoing the cosmetic surgery you’ve been wanting. You are both nervous about what the surgery will entail and excited to see the final results. You have high expectations for what those results will be, and Dr. Paul Pin will do his best to help you make those expectations a reality. However, it is also important for you to understand the realities of what to expect from your cosmetic surgery so that your expectations are not unrealistic, leading to disappointment when you discover that they cannot be met. Here are some thoughts to keep in mind so that you know what to expect before, during, and after your cosmetic procedure. Read Full Article…

Is It Safe to Undergo Liposuction in Multiple Areas at Once?

Perhaps one of the most frustrating concepts about attempting to lose weight, particularly when it comes to burning off fat, is that your body doesn’t only collect fat in one particular area. In other words, all of your excess fat will not just be deposited around your abdomen or your buttocks. This can be very frustrating because you may not lose that fat equally once you start on a regular routine of exercise and a low-fat diet. For example, many people may first notice a reduction in excess fat on their upper arms, but reduction in abdominal fat takes much longer. Read Full Article…